Manila to USA Shipment

Manila to USA Shipment

Missing something in the Philippines? Or have you ever found yourself browsing online stores in the Philippines, captivated by unique products and amazing deals, only to be disappointed that they don't offer international shipping to the USA? It is quite frustrating when you come across items you want to buy but because of shipping limitations, you can’t have those items. But worry not, Manila Forwarder has a solution that bridges the gap between Manila and the USA – a hassle-free shipping service that ensures you never miss out on the Philippines' treasures again.

Let's explore how this innovative shipping service can bring the best of the Philippines right to your doorstep in the USA.

The Philippines is a land of endless allure, where tradition merges seamlessly with modern creativity. Whether you're a fashion enthusiast, a tech aficionado, or simply someone who appreciates handcrafted beauty, the Philippines has something special to offer. It's a place where the markets are bustling with unique finds. Not only that, each province offers many products and has its own specialty. This so-called Pasalubong is really a must-buy item for our kababayan abroad.

The only problem? Not all the sellers are easily accessible for international shipping but worry not, Manila Forwarder has a solution that can transform your shopping experience.


Imagine a service that acts as a bridge between the Philippines and the USA, seamlessly connecting shoppers with their favorite products. That's precisely what the Manila to USA shipping service does. It's designed with one mission in mind: to make international shopping from the Philippines easier than ever.


How it Works

Create a FREE account (click here) and get your Shipping Address: Instead of feeling disappointed at checkout, simply provide the shipping address given to you upon creating a free account.

Shop Freely: Continue browsing your favorite online stores in the Philippines, selecting the products you desire.

Consolidation, Shipping, and Payment: Once your packages arrive at our Manila office, we will contact you via your registered email for further instructions and payment. And then it will be expertly consolidated and prepared for their journey to the USA.

Safe and Swift Delivery: Your packages will be shipped to your doorstep in the USA or to Manila Forwarder’s Los Angeles, CA warehouse. Rest assured that they'll arrive securely and swiftly.


Access to Unique Products: Never miss out on the latest fashion trends, artisanal crafts, or delectable Filipino treats again.

Cost-Effective: The service often provides cost-effective shipping rates compared to shipping individually from multiple sellers in the Philippines.

Convenience: No more hassles with international shipping logistics, customs, or tracking multiple packages.

Reliability: Trust in the experience and expertise of a service dedicated to making your shopping experience seamless.

The Manila to USA shipment service is not confined to online shopping alone; it extends its reach to encompass any items that need to find their way to the USA. Whether it's a cherished family heirloom, important documents, or gifts for loved ones, our service is your reliable partner in making sure everything reaches its destination securely and swiftly.

The Manila to USA shipping service is your key to unlocking the wonders of the Philippines' online marketplaces. Whether you're missing something special from the Philippines or simply want to explore the diverse world of Filipino online shopping, this service has you covered.

Say goodbye to shipping limitations and hello to a world of possibilities. With Manila Forwarder’s Manila to USA shipping, the Philippines' treasures are just a click away, and they can be delivered right to your doorstep in the USA or to our warehouse in Los Angeles, California.